The Link Between Quitting Smoking and Successful Bariatric Surgery

Undergoing bariatric surgery or the Allurion Balloon treatment can be life-changing, offering hope for a healthier and more fulfilling life. However, these procedures come with their own set of considerations, including a requirement that might surprise some patients: quitting smoking at least three months prior to starting your bariatric journey. This article delves into the compelling reasons behind this mandatory smoking cessation period and sheds light on the unique risks associated with smoking in relation to the healing process after bariatric surgery.

A Non-Negotiable Step Towards Your Success

At Vital Bariatrics, we're not just healthcare providers; we're your partners in your journey toward a healthier you. This is why we emphasize smoking cessation as a non-negotiable prerequisite for our weight managment treatments. This requirement goes beyond the simple notion of "doctors advise quitting smoking." Instead, it's a strategic decision rooted in the intricacies of our procedures.

Smoking and Unique Risks for Bariatric Procedures

Our treatments involve reshaping the digestive system to help you achieve lasting weight loss. This process demands effective healing and adaptation, which is where smoking comes into play. Smoking isn't just a general health concern; it directly impacts the success of these treatments, especially concerning the healing of surgical incisions around the upper stomach area.

Engaging in tobacco use or inhaling other substances in the months leading up to your surgery significantly amplifies the risk of mortality during bariatric procedures. Moreover, it elevates the likelihood of complications like the emergence of ulcers or infections during your post-surgical recovery phase.

If you're an active cigarette smoker or a consumer of any other smokable products, this includes e-cigarettes, marijuana, or hookah, our protocol necessitates a cessation period of at least three months prior to your scheduled surgery. During this time, you may be asked to undergo a urine test to confirm your adherence to this requirement. To support you on this journey, our dedicated team will facilitate your connection with tailored programs and resources aimed at assisting you in gradually reducing and ultimately abstaining from smoking.

Post-surgery, we strongly advocate for sustaining your tobacco-free status. Relapse into smoking or vaping behaviours after bariatric surgery can result in ulcerations at the surgical incision sites even a year or more after surgery as these tissues remain vulnerable to the effects of the heat and chemicals in smoke. Smoking also heightens the risk of developing serious conditions such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Your commitment to remaining smoke-free aligns with our unwavering dedication to your long-term well-being.

Nicotine's Impact on Healing

Nicotine, a prominent component of smoking and vaping, acts as a vasoconstrictor. This means that it narrows blood vessels, leading to reduced blood flow to critical areas such as surgical incisions. Insufficient blood flow hampers the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen, impeding proper wound healing. Additionally, nicotine compromises the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to infections during recovery.

Beyond Nicotine: Unraveling Tobacco's Complexity

It's not just nicotine at play; tobacco in cigarettes introduces a complex mix of chemicals that hinder the body's healing mechanisms. Carbon monoxide, for instance, lowers oxygen levels in the blood, further compromising the healing process. Moreover, smoking elevates the risk of blood clot formation, potentially resulting in post-surgery complications.

Embrace the Journey to a Healthier You

Quitting smoking is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, but the rewards are immeasurable. For those embarking on a Vital Bariatrics treatment, this step isn't just about ticking a box; it's a conscious commitment to enhancing your overall health. The Nurse Practitioner and doctors at Vital are happy to support you with tools and prescriptions, if needed, to help you with smoking cessation. By quitting smoking three months prior to your procedure, you're taking a proactive stance against potential complications and setting the stage for a seamless procedure and recovery.

Choose Vital Bariatrics as Your Partner in Weight Management

Vital Bariatrics isn't just a provider of weight loss treatments; we're here to empower you on your journey towards a better life. Our emphasis on quitting smoking three months prior to your procedure isn't an arbitrary rule; it's a strategic move to minimize risks and optimize healing. By understanding the underlying rationale and recognizing the impact of smoking on the healing process, you're taking a significant step towards reclaiming your health and embracing a smoke-free future. Your transformation starts with this commitment – a commitment that Vital Bariatrics is honored to support every step of the way.

Ready to embark on your transformative journey towards a healthier you? Book a consultation with our team and discover if bariatric surgery or the Allurion Balloon is the right path for your weight loss goals. 


Free Webinar January 11, 2024: The Allurion Gastric Balloon and Weight Management Program


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